On Thursday the 26th of October, WBro David Taylor PAGDC celebrated 50 years in Freemasonry in The Lodge of Remembrance No.3787 in the company of the Assistant Provincial Grand Master WBro John Farrington PSGD.
WBro Peter Hargreaves PAGDC, current Worshipful Master of the Lodge gave an extensive tribute to WBro Taylor, which can be seen by clicking the link below.
D Taylor 50th
It detailed David’s formative years in Accrington, including tales of his family, business, personal and Masonic pursuits. WBro Taylor now lives in Moreton in Marsh in the Cotswold’s with his wife Pamela which is near to his sons and their families.
The Assistant Provincial Grand Master regaled (and tested!) the assembled Brethren with news and trivia from 1966, before formally presenting WBro Taylor with his illuminated certificate and letter from the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Sir David Trippier. WBro Taylor was then perambulated around the Lodge to the acclaim of the Brethren. He was also presented with his 50th anniversary lapel badge by WBro David Lightbown PAGDC District Chairman.
Further cause for celebration was the successful ballot for four joining members, WBro’s Jeff Marshall, Duncan Holmes, Eric Bullock and George Houghton, all formerly of the now closed Lodge of Confidence No.4295.
The Festive board was enjoyed by nearly 50 Brethren. Lodge Member and personal friend WBro Geoff Hayhurst gave further tribute to WBro Taylor, to which he responded to in a most comprehensive manner.