On Tuesday evening (29/05/18) St Peter’s Deane Lodge 6521, along with the Assistant Provincial Grand Master and a District Delegation came together to celebrate 50 years in Freemasonry for Bro Eric Greenhalgh.

The ladies and partners of the lodge usually dine at the hall when the lodge meets and so it was fitting that on this occasion, in an unusual and very welcome way, that the lodge was called off and the ladies, partners and non-masonic guests were invited into the lodge room to celebrate Eric’s achievement alongside the Freemasons in attendance.
The Assistant Provincial Grand Master accepted the gavel from the Worshipful Master and delivered a signed certificate from the Provincial Grand Master to Eric. A heartfelt and fitting tribute was given by Joe Ramsden; a longtime friend of Eric.

It was lovely to see ladies and guests in the Lodge room to help celebrate a 50th!