WBro Greenwood with WBro Sutcliffe, visitors and the Provincial and District delegations

Forty Brethren, including WBro Jim Sutcliffe, PSGD, a Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the Northern Area of the Province of East Lancashire, accompanied by Grand Officers, Provincial Officers of the year and a District Delegation, signed the Tylers attendance register of Marsden within Pennine Valley Lodge, 6183 on Tuesday 22ndOctober 2019, to celebrate the 50thAnniversary in Freemasonry of WBro. Ian William Greenwood, PJGD.
The Worshipful Master of Marsden within Pennine Valley Lodge, Bro Kevin Pickering, opened the Lodge and after concluding the preliminary business of the Lodge, received a report.  WBro Jim Sutcliffe, PSGD, a Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the Northern Area of the Province of East Lancashire, accompanied by Grand Officers, Provincial Officers of the year and a District Delegation, were admitted.
WBro Sutcliffe was welcomed into the Lodge and was invited to occupy the chair by the Worshipful Master, which WBro Sutcliffe graciously accepted.
After introducing the Provincial and District Delegation, WBro Sutcliffe announced that the main business of the evening was to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of WBro. Ian William Greenwood. PJGD. WBro Greenwood was then placed in the centre of the Lodge.
WBro Sutcliffe first offered WBro Greenwood the very best wishes of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Sir David Trippier, TD DL: those of the Provincial Delegation, the Officers of the year, Grand Officers and all the Brethren present.
The Lodge Secretary, WBro Richard Sagar, PProvJGD, informed the assembled Brethren that WBro Greenwood was initiated into Pennine Valley  Lodge 6183 on the 23rd September 1969 and proceeded to read the minutes of the meeting held on that date.
WBro Sutcliffe, “Just to get it straight”, informed the meeting that this was WBro Greenwoods’ second celebration meeting, the other being held in West Lancashire.
Ian Greenwood was born 1936 an only child – an Interesting year, the All blacks were beaten for the first time, Germany hosted both the Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics.
Billy Butlin opened his holiday camp in Skegness.
Edward VIII abdicated the throne later in that year.
Ian is a “sporty type” others born that year were, Jim Clark, Bobby Simpson and Duncan Edwards.
1969 music
Johnny Cash a boy named Sue bit unusual then but not now.
Bit of “ritual” now
The road is long, with many a winding turn
That lead us to (who knows) where, who knows when?
But I’m strong, strong enough to carry him – yeah
He ain’t heavy – he’s my brother

Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond was released and Ian knows all the words as he sings it quite regularly at Old Trafford
1969 saw Lancashire CC won the Sunday league and Ian William Greenwood initiated into PENNINE VALLEY LODGE No. 6183, on 23 September at Bradshaw Street Nelson becoming WM in 1977 then, as IPM, he becameCharity Steward, from 1978 to 1990 and was the 1988 Festival Representative for the Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys
Ian was appointed in East Lancashire to ProvAGPurs in November 1984, promoted to PProvJGD in May 1987 and further Promoted to  PProvGSwdB in May 1997.
He was the founding Tyler of Pendleside Lodge of Installed masters, 9111, taking the chair in 1990.
In West Lancashire. Ian was appointed PProvJGW in 1995.
A member of Setantia Lodge of Installed Masters, 7755, Ian took the chair in 2011.
Ian Joined Preston Guild Lodge, 4408 in February 1989 taking the office of Secretary until taking the chair in 1992.
In the United Grand Lodge of England Ian was appointed PAGDC in 1998 and promoted to PJGD in 2008.
In the Holy Royal Arch Ian is a member of Preston Guild Chapter, 4408 and was MEZ in 1986 and was elected Treasurer in 1986, the office he holds today, as well as being Charity Steward from 2010 to 2014.
A member of Setantia Chapter of Installed First Principals, Ian was MEZ in 2008.
In the Supreme Grand Chapter of England In was appointed PGStdB in 1997 and promoted to PAGSoj in 2008.
Ian is a member of several side Degrees including Prince of Peace Preceptory No. 97. Knights Templar, and Signum Caeleste Conclave No. 302. Red Cross of Constantine.
In the Preston Group of Lodges and Chapters Ian was Secretary in 1993, Vice-Chairman in 1998 and chairman from 2004 to 2010 and a Director of Preston Masonic Hall from 1991 to today.
Ian is an electric aficionado. If you mention light bulbs he says bulbs grow in the ground! Lamps light up.
Ian Greenwood is one of the best ambassadors for Freemasonry, a true Gentleman and a true Freemason.
WBro Sutcliffe then read the personal letter and Certificate from the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master and presented the Certificate and personal letter to WBro Greenwood. To conclude the formal proceedings a 50-year lapel badge, to be worn with pride, was presented by the District Chairman, WBro Bob Allan.

The worshipful Master of Marsden within Pennine Valley Lodge, WBro Greenwood and WBro Jim Sutcliffe

Following the Alms collection WBro Sutcliffe retired accompanied by the Provincial and District delegation.
The remainder of the business being efficiently dispatched, the Lodge was closed in Peace and Harmony.

WBro Greenwood with WBro Jim Sutcliffe and members of Marsden within Pennine Valley Lodge

The Social Board was a happy and convivial gathering with all the Brethren in attendance clearly enjoying the occasion.
In proposing the toast to his health, WBro Martin Blades, touched on WBro Greenwood’s Professional life and his hobbies and interests.
“Ian William Greenwood was born in Nelson Lancashire in 1936. He attended Lomeshaye Junior school, passed his 11 plus and went to Nelson Grammar School. Leaving there, he was apprenticed as an Electrician at Nelson Engineering. Ian also studied part time for three years at Burnley College.
Ian then worked for the then, National Coal Board, at Bank Hall colliery, Burnley, where he took a
Three-year management course. He then moved to Astley colliery Manchester as Deputy Electrical Engineer.
Ian Married Gwyneth in 1961 and they had three sons (and now has six Grandchildren).
In 1967 Ian Moved to work for BICC in Prescot where he was UK export manager, travelling all over the world. Ian retired in 1998.
Ian played cricket for Nelson Grammar School and Lancashire Schoolboys going on to play for Nelson in the Lancashire League. He then joined Prescott Cricket Club in Manchester where he played regularly with his sons. He retired from Cricket in 1994 after playing for over fifty years.
He is a member of Lancashire Cricket Club and is often there. He is also a member of the Marylebone Cricket Club (the MCC), where he attends at least once a year for a Test Match”.
It was clear from the account provided that WBro Greenwood well deserved all the accolades that had been afforded to him.
Report by John Wilkinson