Salford’s Springtime Swingtime

What is a Masonic Toast

A festive board, or dinner, normally follows a lodge meeting. While fairly formal with speeches and toasts it is marked by the sound of friendly discussion, sometimes singing and plenty of fun and laughter.

On the subject of formal Masonic toasts the format of these vary with the lodge but there is always a toast to the Queen and to The Grand Master followed by others which vary according to the ceremony. For instance when there is a new initiate he is toasted and often responds. In some lodges they sing the Initiates song.

Salford Ladies hosted a fantastic evening of music and dance on the 17th March with the Swing band of the Greater Manchester Police providing the music and the guests the dancing.
Despite the snow and wind it was a full house and even some masonic guests from the United States had arrived as guests of the District Chairman Peter Hegarty.
The evening was introduced by Mrs Irene Walker, Chair of the Salford Ladies who hoped we would all enjoy ourselves and get up and dance.
A Hotpot supper was on the menu to begin the evening and when everything had been cleared away the entertainment began with favourites from the 1940’s Glen Miller to Matt Monroe and more modern classics being played.

A great night was enjoyed by all, only spoilt by the weather which as the evening went on got progressively worse with the night ending slightly earlier than expected in order to make sure all got home safely.

Author: Andrew Foster