Dragons Martial Arts Centre is a not for profit, Community Sports Club. They were originally located at Ray Mill in Stalybridge, one of those old mill buildings left empty when the cotton trade moved away. Unfortunately, a devastating fire forced the Martial Arts Centre to move out and find a new home and pretty much start from scratch.
The Club has now relocated to Squire Mill in Mossley and are very busy renovating the unit that they will be using. A move to Mossley was necessitated by the fact that there were no suitable premises available in Stalybridge. However, despite the fact that the two towns are only just three miles apart, the move has cost them a number of members.

Ray Mill in Flames

The Club’s founder, Arthur Sheldon, and his daughter Sharon, were advised to reach out to the local Freemasons to see if it would be possible to get some financial support. Stuart Tennant, District Charity Steward for Ashton & Mossley District took up the case and advised the Sheldons to approach the Grant Making Committee of the East Lancashire Masonic Charity. After due consideration the GMC decided to make a grant of £600.00 to the Club.

So, on Thursday 27thSeptember, Stuart Tennant, and Peter Douthwaite, Ashton & Mossley District Chairman, attended the new Dojo of the Dragon Martial Arts Centre in its base at Squire Mill in Mossley and presented the members of the club with their cheque. (Mr Arthur Sheldon, the founder of the club, can be seen centre back in a grey jacket.)
I’m sure that we all wish them the very best for the future in their new home.
Text © Kevin Hall, DCO Photographs ©Steve Stanley & Arthur Sheldon