Burnley and Pendle District Freemasons help Burnley’s Oldest Youth Charity.

What is a Masonic Toast

A festive board, or dinner, normally follows a lodge meeting. While fairly formal with speeches and toasts it is marked by the sound of friendly discussion, sometimes singing and plenty of fun and laughter.

On the subject of formal Masonic toasts the format of these vary with the lodge but there is always a toast to the Queen and to The Grand Master followed by others which vary according to the ceremony. For instance when there is a new initiate he is toasted and often responds. In some lodges they sing the Initiates song.

Graham Vernon (Centre Manager) pictured above with Mark Barlow the District Charity Steward.

Burnley and Pendle District Freemasons have recently donated £408 for a security grille at Burnley Boys and Girls Club to help protect their facilities on Barden Lane, Burnley, Graham Vernon, Centre Manager, said “People do not realise that funds are needed to keep the facilities going which all goes to helping and supporting our young people, it is the generosity and insight of the Freemasons who understand the bigger picture of all the behind the scenes work that is required to successfully run an organisation and small amounts like this donation are vital to the continuation of all third sector bodies.”
The security Grille forms part of a new venture for the Boys and Girls Club in the community kitchen which will hopefully be ready for opening in the new year will bring, employment, enjoyment and a social aspect to the facilities down at Barden Playing Fields.
Burnley Boys and Girls Club has lots of heritage within the town and they will be celebrating 120 years next year, the youth organisation does far more than provide a space for young people, it provides; emotional wellbeing and support to all its members and the future plans of development for the site and the club are set to challenge social isolation and develop a centre for the community in 2019.
Mark Barlow said“I was approached by the Chairman of Burnley Boys and Girls Club who asked if we could help them with a security grill on a window that was unprotected so I put it to the Charity Stewards and they overwhelmingly supported this. So it gave me great pleasure to present the cheque to Graham Vernon on behalf of the Burnley and Pendle District Freemasons”.
John Wilkinson