WBro Michael Batters (Royce’s Son), APGM, WBro Royce Batters and WBro Brian Jackson IPM

On Tuesday 4 December 2018, Travellers Lodge  No. 1253, City Derby District, Manchester celebrated the 50th Anniversary in Freemasonry of WBro Royce Batters PJGD
WBro Christopher Welton PSGD, APGM presided over the evening’s celebration along with many distinguished brethren not only from East Lancashire but also from the Provinces of, West Lancashire and Cheshire.
WBro Batters was initiated into St. Werburgh Lodge No.6572 in the Province of Cheshire on
18 November 1968 and joined Travellers Lodge on 7 December 1971.
Sadly St. Werburgh Lodge surrendered its Warrant in 2007.
WBro Batters has attained Grand Rank in the Craft, Royal Arch and Mark Masonry, though the highlight to his Masonic career came in 2009 when he was appointed The Inspector General for South East Lancashire in the Rose Croix.  A role in which he still serves.
WBro Christopher Welton delivered a very warm tribute to Royce highlighting not only the contributions he has made to the Province of East Lancashire and Freemasonry in general, but also to his life outside the Craft, as a Chartered Accountant and as Finance Director of the Christie NHS Trust which included being Treasurer of the Christie Charitable Trust with funds of approx. £25 Million.

WBro Chris Welton & WBro Royce Batters

After presenting WBro Batters with his illuminated Certificate from the Provincial Grand Master, WBro Welton requested that the Lodge DC WBro Geoffrey Mabon PProvDepGDC perambulate Royce around the Lodge room, this was to spontaneous applause. Once seated the Chairman for City Derby District, WBro Paul O’Carroll PProvJGW presented him with a 50 Year Lapel Pin on behalf of Manchester Masons congratulating him his momentous achievement.
In conclusion to his tribute WBro Welton stated that Royce has been a constant and profound supporter of Freemasonry for fifty years, supporting his Lodges and Royal Arch Chapters within our Fraternity.  Stating it represents an accomplishment that few can achieve.
The lodge closed, the members of the Lodge hosted a warm and very enjoyable Social  Board, at which WBro Michael Batters a Past Master of the Lodge and that of St. Werburgh Lodge,  proposed an excellent and personal toast to his Father, to which WBro Batters replied with grateful thanks.

Father & Son

Report by David Hudson