The Picture shows the Worshipful Master Bro Paul Wainwright presenting the cheque
to Food Kitchen managers Vida Slater
(left) and Marilyn Jones (right).

 For a number of years, volunteers at the Rochdale Food Kitchen have distributed hot soup and sandwiches to many of the towns homeless and needy.  The kitchen is open each evening from Tuesday to Friday and provides food and support for between 40 and 60 people on a daily basis. On Saturday lunch time a full meal is also provided.
In addition, a walk in clinic, staffed by volunteer medical professionals is now available on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at the unit.
Rochdale District Freemasons are very proud to be associated with this important organisation and it is delighted to see that St Martins Lodge have been able to offer this high level of financial support.

Report and Photograph by Ken Rowlatt.