On Thursday 11th April 2019 The Lodge of St John No.191 held an Olde English Nite, as part of their 250th year celebrations, and what a great night it was.
The Lodge Tyled at 6.30pm and everyone present was treated to an excellent ceremony, which included opening and then closing in full, from the 3rd Degree. The Worshipful Master, Bro Steve Allanson, was assisted by WBro Graham Wood as acting Senior Warden and WBro Jeremy Aston, as acting Junior Warden.
All the guests enjoyed the ceremony, with the acclamation being led by the Bury District Chairman, WBro Steve Barton, who responded on behalf of the Officers of United Grand Lodge.
The Social Board was a joyous occasion with sixty one members and guests in attendance, the dining room looked full.
The fabulous seven course menu included traditional black pudding, braised steak and onions, with Lancashire cheese and crusty bread to finish with.
The evening flowed seamlessly, thanks to the DC, WBro Fred Blackburn, and everyone who was in attendance went home with empty pockets, thanks to the evenings ‘Fynes Master’ WBro Jeremy Aston, who did a fantastic job in relieving everyone of their hard earned  cash.
The Guest Speaker was WBro Malcolm Ashton, who “knocked everyone for six” with his many stories from his days of working with the English Cricket Team, and his involvement in the world of sport.
The Evening raised £804.60 for charity and the members of Lodge of St John would like to thank all the guests who attended the evening and helped make it a great success.

Report and Pictures by Craig Hindle