On Friday evening 13th September a Large Provincial Deputation of Acting Officers of the year and Grand Lodge Officers, headed by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master RW Bro Sir David Trippier and along with 75 Brethren, gathered at Blackburn Masonic Hall to celebrate the Centenary of The Victory Lodge No. 3932

Sir David took the Masters’ Chair and thanked the assembled for their company and expressed his delight at having the opportunity of sharing such an important evening with the Lodge. He immediately called on Lodge Secretary John Rimmer to give a short history of The Victory Lodge, John and fellow lodge member  Philip Beaumont had compiled a precis of the rich history which was delivered with pride.  Read it HEREThe Centenary Warrant was then read to the Brethren by Provincial Secretary Andrew Holland, before The Rev’d Canon Richard Hawkins the Provincial Grand Chaplain delivered his oration in which he referred to the origins of the Lodge at the end of the Great War, his explanation of the symbolism of the Lodge Banner was particularly interesting. 

Sir David then proceeded to present the Centenary Warrant which was placed in the centre of the Lodge for the remainder of the celebration. In his presentation to the Lodge. He paid tribute to the Members and referred to the history and he hoped the Lodge would continue to it’s 200th Birthday, even though he probably wouldn’t be there to help them celebrate! Sir David concluded with a very pleasant duty which is in his gift for this type of meeting, that of immediately promoting a Lodge member. After various discussions and to the complete surprise to the recipient, the Worshipful Master Bryan Pemberton a Lodge member for nearly 50 years received the rank of PProvGSuptWks. Bryan then had his own pleasant duty to perform in presenting Sir David with a cheque for the sum of £3932, the number of the Lodge, for the ELMC. This was very gratefully received.

The festive board was a very joyous occasion. Sir David delivered his response with the usual wit, with a personal story from his Masonic Career. The toast to the Lodge and its Brethren was given by our Assistant Provincial Grand Master Alan Kirwilliam who encouraged the Lodge to look to the future with the hope of new members to take the Lodge forward. Bryan Pemberton responded and completed his response with a presentation to Sir David. It wasn’t long before The APGM was back on his feet as he won the raffle prize of 1 gallon of whisky, which on this occasion he graciously accepted!

The Brethren departed following a  wonderful evening celebrating the history and birthday of this great Lodge. The Victory Lodge No. 3932

Article and images: East Ribble District Team