On Saturday morning 28th September the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master RW Bro Sir David Trippier accompanied by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master VWBro John Farrington and a very large deputation of Grand and Acting Officers of the year joined 70 Brethren, at Blackburn Masonic Hall to celebrate the Centenary meeting of Verity Lodge No. 3949.

Sir David took the Masters’ Chair and thanked the assembled for their company and expressed his delight at visiting Blackburn again to celebrate this milestone in the Lodges’ history. Following his introduction of the deputation, Sir David began by asking Worshipful Master WBro David Lightbown to give a talk on the history of the LodgeWBro Lightbown had prepared a very comprehensive précis of the rich history of the Lodge, and it was obvious a lot of research had gone into his presentation as much of the formal records had been lost over time. You can read it HERE. The Centenary Warrant was then read to the Brethren by Provincial Grand Secretary WBro Martin Roche, before the Provincial Grand Chaplain WBro the Rev’d David J Halford delivered his oration in which he referred to the way the four cardinal virtues of Prudence, Courage, Temperance and Justice related to our lives as Freemasons.

Sir David then proceeded to present the Centenary Warrant which was placed in the centre of the Lodge for the remainder of the celebration. In his presentation to the Lodge Sir David praise the Worshipful Master for his excellent presentation and urged the Lodge Brethren to continue to develop the Lodge to it’s next centenary. He concluded with a very pleasant duty which is in his gift for this type of meeting, that of immediately promoting a Lodge member. Every Brother of Verity held their breath until the name was announced. The look on WBro Brian Derbyshire’s face was something to behold as he was immediately promoted to the rank of PProvJGW, hopefully none of the Brethren could lip read at the exact moment his name was mentioned! Following the perambulation of Brian around the Lodge, WBro Lightbown had a pleasant duty to perform in presenting a cheque for £1000 for the ELMC which was gratefully received by Sir David.

The festive board was a wonderful event and typical of a Verity Lodge meeting. The traditional French onion soup and potato pie was embellished with jam rolly polly and cheese and biscuits, but the usual good humour and relaxed atmosphere remained the same. Sir David delivered his response in his usual witty style, with another of his personal tales from his masonic career which was very well received. The toast to the Lodge and its Brethren was given by our Assistant Provincial Grand Master WBro Alan Kirwilliam who encouraged the Lodge to continue to enjoy their Freemasonry and he paid tribute to it’s one hundred years even though there were some lean times along the way. David Lightbown responded with pride and passion when he talked about the Lodge and it’s history and that at one point it looked like it wouldn’t make it this far. He thanked the Lodge Brethren for their support and for allowing him the privilege of being Worshipful Master during it’s Centenary Year.

This was a truly enjoyable morning and afternoon.  Here is to the next 100 years!

Article and Images: East Ribble District Team