On Tuesday the 28th of May 2019, St Peter’s Deane Lodge No.6521, along with the Assistant Provincial Grand Master WBro John Griffin PSGD, a District Deputation, many visiting Brethren along with family, friends and non-masonic guests, celebrated WBro Alan Ward achieving 50 years in freemasonry.
After having been received into the Lodge, guided by the ProvDepGDC WBro Philip Collier, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master was duly honoured, before WBro Griffin gladly received the Gavel from the Worshipful Master WBro William Proctor. WBro Griffin then ‘called the lodge off’ and was delighted to accept Alan’s family, friends and guests into the lodge to help celebrate this momentous occasion. WBro Griffin then introduced his accompanying delegation, before requesting Alan be placed in the centre of the Lodge to begin his celebration. The minutes of Alan’s initiation meeting at Constitution Lodge No.3392 held on 17th April 1969 at Manchester Masonic Temple, were read by the lodge secretary WBro Jack Ball. A very fitting tribute of Alan’s life outside of Masonry was given by WBro Ron Richards, a past master of Constitution Lodge. WBro Griffin then provided a resume of Alan’s masonic achievements during his 50 years in the craft.
After presenting a personal letter of congratulations from the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Sir David Trippier, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master presented WBro Ward with his illuminated certificate, before requesting that the DC perambulate Peter around the Lodge room, which was duly carried out to the acclaim of all those present.

Having been seated, a small token of appreciation on behalf of the District was presented by Chairman Terry Kakoullis, which was a 50th lapel pin.

Prior to the celebrations finishing, WBro Griffin was delighted to receive from the lodge, on behalf of ELMC, a cheque for £250.
Following the meeting, a superb Dinner was enjoyed by all where the celebrations continued. A very sincere toast to our Celebrant was given by WBro Ron Tyler. Alan, in typical fashion, responded in a heartfelt and humorous fashion, during which he thanked all present for helping him mark such a memorable occasion, giving special praise to his wife Polly and his family, for their support over the years. Alan also presented WBro Griffin with a very generous personal donation to Bury Hospice, which was gratefully received.

A very enjoyable evening for all those present helping Alan celebrate this special milestone.
Report and photos by Lee Gridley