The response from members across the constitution to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine had been tremendous, the Relief Chest Appeal for Ukraine now stands at £564k and is rising. This has enabled us to respond to the crisis quickly and in a meaningful and impactful way. The first tranche of support has been agreed upon following discussions between the Masonic Charitable Foundation, United Grand Lodge of England, Regional Communication Groups and aid agencies working with Ukrainian refugees.

Our aims are to support a number of charities so that MCF/Freemasonry can:

Demonstrate a breadth of response to a rapidly changing situation.
Fund charities focussed on separate, but complementary interventions
Make grants that have a geographic spread i.e., supporting charities operating within Ukraine, those operating on the borders, and UK refugee response.
The following five selected charities will receive a grant of £100,000 each towards their work:

UK for UNHCR – the UN Refugee agency
Key focus – Ukraine – Emergency Shelter and Protection

Key focus – Ukraine – Health and Emergency Supplies

Plan International UK
Key focus – Border Countries – Child Protection and Education

British Red Cross
Key focus – UK – Refugee Support and Resettlement

The Refugee Council
Key Focus – UK – Refugee Support and Advice

The appeal will remain open, and it is anticipated that further awards in support of the humanitarian crisis will be made later in the year when some of the longer-term needs become clearer.