Tuesday 15th February saw over 50 masons join together to celebrate WBro Stephen Holt’s fifty years in Freemasonry at Rochdale Masonic Hall.

During his professional career, Stephen was admitted into the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers and was made a Freeman of London and has enjoyed a long professional and Masonic Career.

WBro Peter Rhodes, APGM attended, supported by WBro Mark Davis PSGD, APGM and Grand Lodge Officers WBro Alex McLaren PSGD, WBro John Pearson PSGD and WBro Peter Hewitt PSGD.

WBro Doug Smith (District Chair) was also in attendance supported by WBro Simon Rogers, WBro Ian Dugdale, WBro Alexander Capewell, WBro John Taylor and WBro Mike Royds from the District Team.

The Lodge testimonial was presented by WBro Paul Holt PProvDepGReg who is also Stephen’s Brother.

WBro Peter Rhodes spoke to the Lodge, highlighting key events from the year Stephen joined and detailed Stephens long Masonic career.

The District Chairman, WBro Doug Smith read out the presentation of the certificate in recognition of WBro Stephen Holts’ fifty years in Freemasonry; the Illuminated certificate was then presented to Stephen by the APGM WBro Rhodes, after which Stephen was paraded around the Lodge to rapturous acclaim from all the brethren. Following on, District Chairman Smith then presented the coveted fifty-year lapel pin.Following the meeting, all the brethren then attended the social board where WBro Alex McClaren gave a hilarious toast, and the celebrant provided an equally hilarious response.