It was a pleasant Sunday Morning when a small community of both Masons and Non-Masons decided to come together for an amazing cause. Inspired by their desire to make a difference, they attended a thrilling charity zipline event to raise funds for the East Lancashire 2026 Festival. Little did they know that their endeavours would test their courage, create fantastic memories and help to raise a substantial amount for charity.

The event was scheduled in the picturesque Welsh countryside at ZipWorld based in Penrhyn Slate Quarry, where the world’s fastest Zipline, “Velocity2”, boasts rider speed of up to 100MPH!

Once details of the zipline were published, word quickly spread throughout The Province of East Lancashire, and people from all walks of life eagerly signed up to participate. It was only a short time before a group of forty-eight remarkable individuals assembled.

Among the participants was the RW Provincial Grand Master of East Lancashire, Robert Frankl, who managed to swap his usual PGM Apron for a less fancy Zipline apron; accompanying him were two Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, Mark Davis & David McGurty.

Some disabled members also participated in the event, they jumped right in without hesitation and took the plunge with everyone else.

On the day of the event, the participants gathered, their hearts filled with excitement and nervous anticipation. The zipline, stretching across the old quarry, looked breathtaking and daunting.

The first twenty-four participants set off, soaring through the air with exhilaration; their screams of joy and potential curse words echoed across the quarry. The rest followed suit, conquering their fears as they flew through the sky. The wind roared in their ears as they marvelled at the stunning landscape beneath them. It was a collective act of courage and determination, all in the name of helping others.

The zipline adventure lasted throughout the day, with participants each enjoying their moment of triumph. The onlookers, friends, and family cheered from below, inspired by the bravery and selflessness displayed by their loved ones.

As the last person touched down on the other side of the valley, the participants couldn’t help but feel a profound sense of accomplishment. They had experienced an adrenaline-fueled adventure and raised incredible money for charity. The funds they collected would go on to support the East Lancashire Festival.

Afterwards, the participants all congregated at Bangor Masonic Hall, which had kindly opened just for the Zipliners to get a drink and a rest before the long drive home; at this point, the RW Provincial Grand Master, Robert Frankl, expressed his sincere thanks to all who took part and revealed that the event had raised over £24,000 for the festival. And so, the story of the forty-eight brave individuals from East Lancashire who completed a charity zipline became a legend within the province and beyond. Their actions made a tangible difference in the lives of those in need and inspired countless others to embrace their capacity for kindness and generosity.