On Tuesday the 17th November the District Chairman for Burnley & Pendle, WBro Paul Thornton accompanied by the Deputy District Chairman, WBro Jeff Ward, and two of Burnley & Pendle District Charity Stewards Jonathon Jackson, who is Charity Steward for Abbey Chapter and Keith Jackson, who is Charity Steward for Marsden within Pennine Valley Lodge, presented a cheque for £2464.00 to Pendleside Hospice.
Speaking about the donation Paul Thornton, Burnley and Pendle District Chairman, said “One of the most popular beneficiaries amongst Freemasons is that of hospice services. As I am sure you are all aware, Freemasons are passionate about supporting hospices because the help and care they provide to people at emotionally difficult times is invaluable. Hospice services aim to ease pain and trauma through kindness, comfort and understanding, as well as by providing exceptional medical care. ”
Two hundred and forty two hospices across England & Wales are currently receiving grants from The Freemasons’ Grand Charity. Financial support is crucial for ensuring a continued high quality service in hospices and every year Freemasons all over the country work together to provide funding for hospice services.

Christina Cope, Fundraising Manager at the Hospice, said “This is a very generous gesture from The Freemasons’ Grand Charity and all the Masons throughout the country who support the work of the hospice movement nationally. We are very grateful to them every year for their continued support and are particularly grateful to Burnley and Pendle masons who support their local hospice in so many ways throughout the year.”