The photograph shows WBro Kennerley presenting the cheque to Mrs Mary Hall and Mrs Kath Pollard from Macmillan Nurses in the Lodge Room during the December meeting.

At the November Installation meeting of Limestone Rock Lodge No. 369 at the Masonic Rooms in Clitheroe, the Immediate Past Master WBro Cyril Kennerley PPGSwdB presented cheques to a number of good causes. The funds for the donations was raised in his term of office as Worshipful Master during the Lodge treasure hunt, BBQ, strawberry and cream event hosted by WBro Pollard and the Lodge Ladies Evening.

ELMC – £500
Macmillan Nurses – £200
NW Air Ambulance – £200
British Heart Foundation – £200
East Lancs Hospice – £200
Awesome Choir – £75
1st Partington Rainbow Group £75
Dog Rescue Mission – £75