APGM WBro Norman Cope with WBro David Fentem and the Brethren of the Earl of Lathom Lodge

Wednesday 5th October 2016 saw Earl of Lathom No. 2560 celebrate WBro David Fentem’s 50th year in Masonry having been initiated on 5th January 1966. They were joined at Bury Masonic Hall by the area APGM WBro Norman Cope PSGD, a plethora of Grand Lodge Officers and a District Delegation.
The Acting Worshipful Master, Bro David Kyme, offered the APGM the gavelwho readily accepted. The business of the evening was led with the exact amount of humour and dignity and was thoroughly enjoyable.
David’s history was given by his good friend WBro Arthur Wilson, PProvGSuptWks, who managed to stop just prior to any major embarrassing stories be divulged……….and I mean just!

WBro Cope, WBro Fentem and WM, Bro David Kyme


WBros Norman Cope, David Fentem, Simon Fentem and Bro David Kyme

The social board saw all the brothers join in celebrating David’s 50th further. I heard accolade after accolade making me realise how hard folk work for our great institution.
David was joined at the festive board by his Sons and Grandsons. WBro Simon Fentem, PProvAGSuptWks, gave his father a heart felt toast after which David was presented with a magnificent cake, silver plate and pen..
Brethren, tonight was an evening which showed the wealth in visiting our fellow lodges and supporting all our great brotherhood.

It was a real treat.


WBro Simon Fentem presents the lodge gift to his father





WBRo David Fentem responds to his toast

 To see more photographs of this evening please visit and like the facebook page; Pglel Bury District.