WBro Greaves with Lodge Members

On Tuesday 4 October 2016, Manchester Hall played host to a very special evening when the Brethren and guests of Lodge of Virtue No. 152 celebrated 50 years in Freemasonry of WBro Reginald Ian Greaves, PProvSGW.

The Lodge having been duly opened by the Worshipful Master, Bro Chris Riley, there was a report, upon which, the acting Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, WBro Andrew Taylor was admitted.  He announced that the Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the District of City Sykes, WBro Chris Welton, PSGD, was in attendance accompanied by a District Delegation and that he demanded admission.
After welcoming the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, the Worshipful Master offered WBro Welton the gavel, which he was pleased to accept.
Once the Assistant Provincial Grand Master had introduced his District Delegation and brought greetings from the RWBro Sir David Trippier and VWBro Derek Nelson Thornhill, he regressed the Brethren first to the year of WBro Greaves birth in 1928, then to his initiation in 1965.
Believe it or not, Ken Dodd was flying Top of the Pops in 1965.  It was the year of Winston Churchill’s Death, Ian Brady and Myra Hindley’s arrest, and the Mini-Skirt was introduced by Mary Quant.  In football, Manchester United won the league and Liverpool won the FA Cup for the first time in their history.
WBro Welton went on to describe WBro Greaves’ glittering Masonic career.  In 1985, he was first appointed to Provincial Grand Lodge with the rank of PProvAGDC and then in 1993, promoted to the higher Rank of PProvSGD.  Eight years later another promotion came, and he was promoted to PProvJGW.  Finally, in 2010 he was promoted to PProvSGW.  His efforts in the Royal Arch have also been recognized and in 2001 he was promoted to PProvGSN.
The Lodge Secretary, WBro David Hudson, PProvJGW, read extracts from the minutes of WBro Greaves’ Initiation, which was on 19 March 1965.  He was 36 years old and had been proposed by his father WBro RH Greaves and seconded by WBro SV Kershaw.
WBro Brian Durkin, PAGDC gave a moving tribute on behalf of the Lodge.  He described WBro Greaves as truly a Custodian of Freemasonry and a Father to the Lodge of Virtue.  Having been Master of Lodge in both 1977 & 1994, and serving as the Lodge Director of Ceremonies for a number of years.
WBro Chris Welton then read and presented WBro Greaves with a letter and Certificate from RWBro Sir David Trippier, the Provincial Grand Master.  After WBro Greaves had been perambulated round the Lodge to great acclamation, WBro Chris Prax, District Chairman for City Sykes, presented WBro Greaves with a 50 year lapel badge.

The Lodge closed in harmony; everyone retired to a happy and joyous Festive Board where Ian was joined for dinner by his Grandson Mr Ben Greaves, son of the Lodge Junior Warden, Bro Jim Greaves.  This concluded a wonderful evening.


WBro Greaves with Lodge Members & Guests


WBro Greaves with Son Jim, the Lodge JW, Grandson Ben and WBro Welton


WBro Greaves with Son Jim, the Lodge JW, Grandson Ben and WM Chris Riley