The APGM, WM, Brethren and visitors

Semper Fidelis Lodge – closes after 108 years
On Wednesday 5 October Semper Fidelis Lodge No 3299 held its last meeting.
After the lodge was opened and the Charities honoured, the Lodge received the APGM WBro Chris Welton PSGD together with a District Delegation.
The gavel was offered to the APGM who politely declined and proceeded to introduce the District Officers accompanying him. They were, WBro David Hudson, District Chairman City Derby District, WBro Richard Bermitz Deputy District Chairman City Sykes District, WBro Paul O’Carroll Deputy District Chairman City Derby District, WBro Mel Rosenthal District Secretary City Derby District, WBro Eliot Moss District Mentor City Derby District and WBro Richard Zoltie Communications Officer Manchester Area. Also attending was WBro Jim Hilton an acting Provincial Junior Grand Deacon.
The District delegation was greeted warmly by the Brethren of the Lodge.
The WM, WBro Derek Kelshaw proceeded with the 109th Installation that of the Master Elect WBro Paul Clark PProvJGW. Following his installation, the WM presented a cheque for £1,000 for the ELMC to the APGM who thanked the Brethren of the Lodge for this most generous donation.
At this point in the meeting, the APGM addressed the Brethren.
Brethren, we are here to celebrate the life of Semper Fidelis Lodge not to preside over a funeral.
Everything has a lifespan, from the mighty oak which can survive hundreds of years, to the beautiful butterfly which survives only a month or so. The impact of the beauty however, lives long in our memories.
Masonic Lodges are no different; they all have a lifespan, but just as in nature the memory lives on, so, I am sure that the memory of Semper Fidelis Lodge will live on… till time with us shall be no more.
The presence here today of so many visitors is testimony to the affection held for the Lodge and of the Masonic Brotherhood to which we all belong and which you as members will continue to be part of.
Your forebears had the courage, insight and strength to seek new Masonic adventures when they formed this Lodge. Today you honour their memory, their service and their dedication by taking all that they worked for into your other Lodges.
You and others will be taking the history, the achievements, the good memories, the laughter, the characters and the successes of this Lodge on the next stage of your own personal Masonic journeys. All this can only enrich the Lodges you are, or will be, part of;… a powerful force for good for the benefit of this fine Province of East Lancashire.
Let us not forget that whilst you will be surrendering the Warrant to me today for onward transmission to Grand Lodge, that in itself is only a piece of paper. What counts is what it stood for, the principles of Freemasonry, and.. as it was transmitted pure and unsullied from Master to Master… it left its mark upon you, a mark which will be with you wherever your Masonic journey takes you from this time forward.
On behalf of Freemasonry, we appreciate your courage in trying to keep the Lodge going and the even greater courage in deciding to close it, but equally it also represents an act of commitment to our greater Order for which we all thank you..
Be proud of what you have achieved, be positive about the future, you are all still important members of the Masonic family with much to contribute.
Brother Junior Warden, at the Installation you were charged to look well to the South, Brother Senior Warden, you were charged to look well to the West.
W.M and Brethren, I charge you all to look well to the future.
This address was very well received by the members of the Lodge. Following the address, the WM returned the Lodge’s Warrants to the APGM.
The APGM thanked the WM, and all present retired to an Excellent Social Board.


The APGM WBro Chris Welton, District Chairman WBro David Hudson, WM WBro Paul Clark and Wardens of the Lodge.


Lodge Tracing Board