On Wednesday 22nd February 1967 a young Robert W Thompson took the tentative step into Freemasonry when he was initiated into Knowsley Lodge No.4661. He was initiated by one WBro J Grundy, he didn’t know it then but he was being initiated by one of the finest ritualists that the province of East Lancashire has ever seen. He also didn’t realise that he was about to forge life long friendships with many like minded folk, one of which who fifty years later would give one the most heart felt, informative and spellbinding eulogy I have ever witnessed. Quite fittingly that person was WBro John Grundy the son of WBro J Grundy.
So 50 years on and Knowsley celebrate the 50th anniversary of WBro Robert W Thompson PProvSGW. It was a momentous evening. The principal guest was the Assistant Provincial Grand Master WBro Norman Cope PSGD who was accompanied by a Provincial Delegation, which proudly for our district had several acting provincial officers within. The delegation was directed by the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies WBro John Griffin PAGDC, he himself a member of Knowsley lodge and a prodigy of WBro Thompson.
The APGM, much to the relief of the Worshipful Master, Bro Stef Urban, took the gavel and conducted the ceremony with the flare that we have come to expect. WBro John Grundy PProvJGW gave a Eulogy, which as I have said, and do not apologise for saying again, was touching to say the least.
It should be said now that we all learnt something new about Bob this evening that did nothing but increase our esteem in this great man. Be that his academic achievements, cricket prowess, his work for the community or his unquestionable skill and wit as a freemason. Oh……. and ping pong or is that table tennis, I don’t know but who knew that????
The social board was, as you would expect from a Knowsley function, light hearted, full of cheerful banter, good food and great speeches.
John Griffin proposed the toast to Bob during which he commented that as a member of Knowsley lodge he had only known two DC’s one being Bob. John stated that as a junior member he had on several occasions gone to Bob’s house for guidance and advice. I think we can safely say that Bob must have given some sound advice.
Now WBro Robert Thompson rarely speaks at the social board these days but obviously this evening he did. He is a talented after dinner speaker who entertained everyone in the room.
Bob was presented with a glass gavel, a very fitting gift after all the years he served Knowsley as DC.
I can honestly say that this evening has been moving, funny and enlightening. Thank you to all who had a part in organising this event.