The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Sir David Trippier RD, JP, DL was in attendance at Rhyddings Lodge No.5205 on Wednesday the 20th of September, for 2017 East Ribble District Hosted Meeting. He was accompanied by a Provincial Deputation which included The Deputy Provincial Grand Master VWBro Derek N Thornhill PGSwdB (also a Honorary member of Rhyddings Lodge No.5205) and the Assistant Provincial Grand Master WBro John Farrington PSGD.
The main business was to receive a presentation by six Junior Brethren from across the District entitled ‘The White Gloves’. This was an explanation of the history behind the presentation of white gloves to new candidates and their usages. The presenters did an excellent job performing in front of a full Lodge room and the most Senior Officers of the Province, being rightly applauded for their efforts and thanked for their work by Sir David once when they had finished.
The presenting Brethren were: Bro Simon Gilrane (FC) – Rhyddings Lodge No.5205, Bro Stephen Riding (MM) – The Lodge of Perseverance No.345, Bro Andrew Pollard (EA) – Limestone Rock Lodge No.369, Bro Alex Wright (FC) – Rhyddings Lodge No.5205, Bro James Wood (EA) – Harmony & Industry Lodge No.381 and Bro Tom Nicholson (MM) – Bank Terrace with King Oswald Lodge No.462.
A full Festive board of nearly 70 Brethren heard the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Masters response, in which he expressed his appreciation for the support of the Provincial Tercentenary events so far, urging us all to get behind the final opportunity to celebrate our 300th year at the ‘300 Years of Freemasonry and Music’, to be held at King Georges Hall in Blackburn, on Saturday the 28th of October 2017. Tickets are available from the King Georges Hall Box Office or here at: 1F0052DCE42FF360
Report by WBro Dave McGurty