Following the public vote, Manchester Jewish Community Care (MJCC) received a £4,000 community award for The Nicky Alliance Centre.
Sir David Trippier, the PGM, said “We are delighted so many people voted in East Lancashire. MJCC was nominated by local Freemasons and I know they will use their £4,000 grant to continue with their outstanding work.”
Michelle Wiseman, chief executive of MJCC said “the grant of £4,000 is hugely important. We are grateful to all out friends who took the trouble to support us. We plan to use this money to provide and enhance the facilities that we offer.”

Pictured (L to R) are WBro David Hudson, City Derby District Chairman, WBro Stephen Thomson City Sykes District Charity Steward, WBro Chris Welton APGM Manchester Area, Michelle Wiseman, Malcolm Yaffe and three members of MJCC Arnold Cohen, Lita Edwards and Reena Cohen.
Report and photograph produced by WBro Richard Zoltie