It was a true advancement in Masonic Knowledge on Thursday 10th October as Limestone Rock Lodge No 369 hosted members of the Learning and Development Committee Demonstration Team as they delivered their explanation of the 3rd Degree Ceremony to a packed lodge, including WBro Alan Kirwilliam the Assistant Provincial Grand Master.

Following the opening business directed by the Lodge Acting Worshipful Master WBro Robert Cleeve, the two members of the Demonstration Team, WBro Tony Costello and WBro Dennis Heskett delivered an expemplorary demonstration of the 3rd Degree Ceremony with the relevant narration, Bro Peter Moore acted as the candidate for the evening. Following the presentation they took a number of questions from the Brethren before being thanked by the Worshipful Master and WBro Kirwilliam, both of who agreed that they and the Brethren had enjoyed a wonderful explanation of what can be a complex and bewildering event, especially for the candidate!

The festive board at the Swan and Royal, gave WBro Kirwilliam the opportunity to remind the Brethren of the United Grand Lodge initiative to promote Learning and Development through the excellent Solomon website. He encouraged all the Brethren to create their own login and explore the relevant parts of the website and use the content in their Lodges, especially the 5 minute nuggets, which he suggested could be delivered by newer Brethren who may not as yet had a chance to speak in Open Lodge.

This was a wonderful evening, and everyone departed wiser than when they arrived.

Articel and Images: East Ribble District Team