Message From The Provincial Grand Almoner

Lodge Almoner guide

Introduction to the Provincial Grand Almoner.

 The Almoner plays a vital part in the life of every Lodge and Province.

The role has been acknowledged by Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodges to be of great importance. With people now living longer, and typically remaining in their own homes, the work of the Almoner will continue to expand.

The Almoner’s duties include keeping in touch with all Lodge members, especially those who for various reasons are unable to attend Lodge. To provide help and support to those members and their families who are ill, providing additional support via the Masonic Charities if required.

The Jewel worn by the Lodge Almoner is a script purse on which is a heart.

Freemasons have always supported those who need help. Through our charitable giving and the work of our Charity Stewards, we support thousands of vulnerable people, groups and charities every year.

Our Almoner’s role care for those closer to home – looking after the welfare of and providing support for fellow Freemasons and their loved ones in their hour of need.

Colleagues at the Masonic Charitable Foundation support the Provincial and Lodge Almoners. The MCF casts a huge net of support; providing advice, guidance, medical and financial support.
The majority of the funds needed to provide all this support comes from the fundraising and hard work of those provinces in the Festival. Festivals happen in eleven-year cycles and the target for our current festival asks us to raise £2.4m in the 5 years, but, in the 11 years to the start of the next festival, our province will receive more than £6m in support.

The MCF is always looking for new initiatives to provide more support for Freemasons and their loved ones. At the end of last year, they launched an additional programme to support older Freemasons and their families. The RMBI Care Co Advice Scheme supports North West Freemasons and their families with support and guidance in navigating the many issues around care. Many people have now accessed the service, often seeking help with financial assessments and care fees. In some circumstances, some have received help paying care home top-up fees.

Such is the growth in the need for advice around care, the RMBI, through the MCF have a dedicated support team member based here in the North West. Hazel’s details can be found below and she is very happy to be contacted directly – please use or pass on her telephone number.
Please don’t forget, myself, the team of Area Almoners and of course your Lodge Almoners, are here to support you, fellow Freemasons, their families and dependants if you need us.
WBro, Tony Stephenson – Provincial Grand Almoner
Mobile No 07802 554770 Email 

Supporting older Freemasons in East Lancashire

Older Freemasons and their families in the Province of East Lancashire can now benefit from local support with financial assistance for care home placements, provided by RMBI Care Co.

The charity can now offer an annual charitable grant to help towards the cost of ‘top-up’ care fees for older Freemasons and their families who are supported by their Local Authority. Recipients of the grant can choose to live in a care home of their choice wherever they live across the Province.

To support the new service, a dedicated adviser is available to help applicants and their families find a suitable care home to meet their needs. This may include support and advice on how to access older people’s services in their local area, what a good care home looks like, and how care home funding works.
For advice and support,

please email  or call 07717 019752.