Surprised and Installed

Friday the 5th of February saw yet another Land Mark Day for the history of this thriving Lodge when Bro. Dennis Higginson was installed in the Chair of King Solomon. A packed Lodge Room witnessed the Installation of this popular Mason who is the Lodge Almoner and a well-known visitor throughout the District.
A secret only known to four members of the Lodge; the WM, DC, Secretary and WBro Mark Higginson it had been secretly arranged the WM would invite WBro Higginson to occupy his chair before the Board of Installed Masters was opened so he could install his father who he had proposed into the Lodge.


The Worshipful Master with His Installing Officers

As can be expected with such a turn of events an emotional, but a perfect full Installation took place followed by WBro Higginson not only making the Proclamations and leading the perambulations but he also gave the address to the Worshipful Master. It must be noted there were several ‘near to tears’ moments during the whole Ceremony which was also witnessed by the WM’s other son, Bro Tony Higginson, who was occasionally seen searching for his handkerchief.


The Worshipful Master with the Brethren of the Lodge

Further surprises were to follow at the Festival of St. John.
Following a delightful meal enjoyed by everyone, further surprises followed


The Worshipful Master with “Our Pat”

Dennis, being such an excellent Almone,r often takes his wife with him on visits to brethren and widows. “Our Pat” as she is referred to by the new WM and his family, is well known for taking her delicious home-made cakes with her very  much to the special delight of WBro Harold Bradshaw where the cake is often shared  by WBro Jeff Bradshaw.
WBro Ian Macdonald in his response on behalf of the visitors had arranged for a cake to be secretly presented to “Our Pat”. The DC, WBro Jeff Ward,being in on the secret arranged for the brethren to sing “if I knew you were coming I’d have baked a cake”, when “Our Pat” came in. He then went for “Our Pat” who was dining in the small lounge to ask if she would just come to see the new WM for a moment, when she entered the Brethren gave a resounding rendition of the song when the WM then presented her with the surprise cake.


“Our Pat’s” surprise cake

However, together they then turned the tables on the DC by presenting him with one of “Our Pat’s cakes for all his years as DC and fulfilling his promise Dennis would be his last Master as DC.


The DC’s surprise cake (Touché)


The DC, WBro Jeff Ward, “Our Pat” and the Worshipful Master

All in all a day full of surprises.