WBro Chris Welton (APGM) and WBro Harry Riley (WM)
On 2ndOctober, WBro Chris Welton PSGD APGM for the Manchester Districts visited Ashbury Lodge No 1459 accompanied by a Deputation from the Manchester Districts.
The WM, WBro Harry Riley welcomed the Assistant Provincial Grand Master and offered him the gavel. On this occasion, he declined the offer but took the opportunity to introduce the members of his visiting party. They included WBro Paul O’Carroll, City Derby District Chairman, Ed Beaman City Derby District Deputy Chairman, Mel Rosenthal City Derby District Secretary, Bill Lister RADO City Sykes District and Richard Zoltie Manchester Area Communications Officer. Having completed his introductions, the Brethren of the Lodge warmly welcomed their guests.
The business of the evening was the raising of Bro Russell Sirkett by WBro Donald Askham and the Traditional History was delivered by WBro Robert Green. The work was done superbly by both Worshipful Brethren and much appreciated by all.
Bro Russell Sirkett and WBro Chris Welton
The WM then presented a cheque for £200 to WBro Welton as donation to the ELMC. This was received with thanks.
After the Lodge was closed, the Brethren enjoyed a most convivial Social Board at which the Lodge presented a beautiful bouquet of flowers for Mrs Welton. Also, WBro Paul O’Carroll presented Bro Sirkett with a Manchester Masons lapel badge and suggested he consider joining the Level Club.
Report by Richard Zoltie