On Wednesday 15th September Bury Lodge of Relief No. 42 held a Bible Fall Ceremony in memory of WBro Mark A Crosby, PProvSGD who passed to the Grand Lodge above in July 2020.

The Lodge tyled at 6.30pm

Bro Michael Brown the current Worshipful Master opened the Lodge after which the Provincial Deputation entered the Lodge. The Worshipful Master offered the gavel to the Assistant Provincial Grand Master WBro John A Griffin PSGD, which he graciously accepted before occupying the chair to conduct the Bible Fall Ceremony.

The Lodge room was full, with members from many other Lodges in attendance to witness a ceremony which has only been performed 3 times in our Province in the past years

The Assistant Provincial Grand Master delivered a fitting tribute to WBro Crosby, for his many years of service to Freemasonry, it was clear to see by everyone present that he had the respect of everyone in the Lodge room.

The Bible Fall was paraded in and WBro Griffin conducted the Ceremony. 

The deputation retired and the Worshipful Master concluded the lodge business.

WBro Crosby’s Parents and family members were then invited into the Lodge Room to see the Bible Fall in situ and to receive a cheque presented to them in memory of WBro Crosby, to his favourite Charity.

The social board was a very happy and joyous occasion the dining room was full with a most fabulous atmosphere, everyone present was treated to a fabulous 5 course meal.

A fantastic evening was had by all, it was certainly one which Bury Lodge of Relief No.42 can be justly proud of for many years to come.

Report & Pictures by Craig Hindle