On Wednesday the 10th of October at Bank Terrace with King Oswald Lodge No.462 in Accrington, the District made another surprise presentation, this time to WBro Jim Smith, the Provincial Grand Tyler.
This was to recognise his six years in the role as our District Treasurer following his standing down at the end of August.
The District Chairman and fellow Lodge member WBro Dave McGurty, presented WBro Smith with an engraved decanter, commenting that most people in attendance already know the immense value of Jim’s contribution to Lodge life, this is a contribution that has been replicated and is equally appreciated in the District and Province alike.
He then invited the Past District Chairman WBro David Lightbown, who had worked closely with Jim for over five years in the District Team, to present him with a very nice Single Malt Whisky (18yr old Glenlivet), a gift from Members of the District Team, present and Past.
Finally, and as always not to forget our wives and partners, the District Chairman presented a bouquet of flowers for Jim to take home to Mrs Sue Smith, a small gesture of our grateful thanks for her support and patience over the last six years.
In addition to his fantastic work as the Lodge Almoner, WBro Smith is due to be reappointed as the Provincial Grand Tyler Again in November, he is also the current Provincial Grand Janitor in the Royal Arch.

Article and Images: East Ribble District Team.