On Thursday 6th August 2020, Ray Evans, The Assistant District Charity Steward received a call from the Charity Burnley Together, requesting volunteers for the following day to assist move bulk food from Aldi on Todmorden Road Burnley to the Valley Community Centre off Rossendale Road in Burnley.
The Burnley Together Charity had received a grant from DEFA of £5000 to purchase food for the Food Banks within the town, which had to be spent by the following day
An email was sent to all Lodges and Chapters within the District requesting volunteers.
At 10am the following Morning, Friday 7th August 2020, a total of 24 (comprising of Freemasons from every Hall within the District) 3 wives and a teenage son assembled at the Aldi Store on Todmorden Road.

It was first envisaged that the volunteers would utilise their own vehicles and all back seats had been folded down in readiness, but it transpired four of our members had brought their own large vans which were filled to the gunnels with every conceivable item of groceries.

A system of loading soon evolved and the contents of twenty large pallets were soon on route to the Valley Community Centre. Special mention to the two Steve’s, Irving and Jansen, who worked tirelessly unloading the pallets and handing it down to the chain of loaders.
The gang reassembled at the Community Centre and, with the assistance of Calico Workers and staff at the centre, all vans were unloaded and we were on our way home in less than two hours
Alicia Foley, the Community Investment Manager for the Burnley Together Group, estimated that the food would provide in excess of six thousand meals for those in need within the area.
Alicia thanked the volunteers for a “Job Well Done”.
Report from Colin Barton