The Burns night at Ashday Lea followed a traditional Scottish pattern in which the haggis, having been prepared by Chef Paul Webb, was paraded into and around the dining room led by a piper (Colin Murphy) in full regalia.

Address ‘tae the haggis’
Having been put in its place by the chef, the haggis then received its customary address in a superb, albeit totally incomprehensible manner by WBro Tommy Mather in his inimitable Glaswegian accent (translation provided). This was followed by a sumptuous meal featuring haggis with neeps and tatties, cock-a-leekie soup, roast beef and a cranachan dessert.

Stabbing the Haggis
In order to keep the little grey cells active, the diners were then treated to a general knowledge quiz with a strong Scottish bias, which was prepared and presented by Bro Paul Wharton.
The ‘immortal memory address’ to the poet was delivered by WBro Andrew Braithwaite (complete with one or two choice ad-libs) and the same also provided an accompaniment for the singing of Scotland the Brave. A toast to the lassies was delivered by WBro Stuart Corless who also led the singing in The Star o’ Rabbie Burns and the reply to this toast from the lassies was given at rather short notice by Frances Ormerod. A thoroughly enjoyable evening was rounded off with (of course) the singing of Auld Lang Syne.

Address to the Ladies

Piper Colin Murphy