After a break of two years due to the pandemic, the Bury District Officers held their Annual District Dinner at Bury Masonic Hall on Friday 27th May. Under the Chairmanship of WBro Steve Holland this proved to be a very enjoyable event, attended by 58 guests, which included a couple of non-masons, and several Grand Officers.
The principle guest for the evening was the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, WBro John Griffin, who gave a light hearted after dinner address which included his thanks to the District Officers for the work they do for Freemasonry in the district. He also thanked everyone present for attending.

The MC for the evening was the Deputy Chairman, WBro Rob Ashton, who did an excellent job in ensuring the evening flowed smoothly.

After dinner the District Charity Steward, WBro Mike Jones, organised the Annual Gala Raffle Draw when two luck winners won prizes of £500 and £200. The draw raised in excess of £3,000 for charitable causes. The Charity Stewards will donate £2,500 to the EL 2026 Festival.

For the Bury District 120 Club, the club treasurer, WBro Gerry Russell, organised the club’s Annual Draw where again three winners took home prizes of £500, £250 and £100. The club is to donate £1800 to the EL2026 Festival Appeal.

Tina Duckworth and her team, served an excellent meal with the whole evening being organised by the former District Secretary, WBro Gerry Russell.
WBro Paul Sellers generously provided souvenir menus for the evening. There was a great atmosphere in the dinning room a real buzz in the air. Everyone who attended had a great time.
WBro Paul Sellers generously provided souvenir menus for the evening. There was a great atmosphere in the dinning room a real buzz in the air. Everyone who attended had a great time.

More Pictures from the Bury District Dinner