Horton Lodge 8528 – Raising

Horton Lodge 8528 – Raising

Last night a delegation of the District Team visited Horton Lodge 8528. In an exemplary ceremony Bro Bray, after answering the correct questions, was raised to the sublime degree of a master mason. It was clear that the officers of the lodge had prepared well and...
Colin Farrow at 50

Colin Farrow at 50

Wednesday 29th March marked the 50th anniversary in Freemasonry for WBro Colin Farrow PProvGSwdB and a large number of Masons came together at Roch Valley Lodge 5120 in Rochdale Masonic Hall to help him celebrate. The proceedings were led by WBro Peter Rhodes APGM...
Quiz Night at Horton Lodge 8528

Quiz Night at Horton Lodge 8528

On Saturday 1st April Horton Lodge 8528 held a quiz night at Middleton Masonic Hall. The night was well supported with brethren of the lodge, family and friends. There were several rounds of questions, some easier than others and a great music round with cover songs...
Limestone Rock Lodge Bi-Centenary

Limestone Rock Lodge Bi-Centenary

On Thursday 23rd February 2023 the members of Lime-stone Rock  Lodge celebrated their Bi-Centenary to the very day of the first meeting two hundred years ago.  The Lodge room was full with many distinguished guests including Right Worshipful Past Senior Grand Warden...
Solidarity Lodge 7885

Solidarity Lodge 7885

Tonight a delegation from the District Team was warmly welcomed to Solidarity Lodge 7885. Tonight was a very special night for the lodge for many reasons and where would you start? – The lodge celebrates 60 years in freemasonry. – The lodge was honoured...