Provincial Dinner Dance

Provincial Dinner Dance

There will be a Provincial Dinner Dance to be held at the University of Bolton Stadium, (formerly the Macron Stadium), on Saturday 29 June 2019. You can find out more HERE
Masonic Support for "The Shed"

Masonic Support for "The Shed"

L-R: Mike Barlow, The WM. David McGovern and Tony Woods The WM of the Lodge of Faith No.581, when asked to which charity he would like to donate £200 from our charity account, instantly suggested “The Shed”, a local Tameside Charity supporting Tameside citizens....
WBro Peter Douthwaite PAGDC

WBro Peter Douthwaite PAGDC

I am sure that everyone in Ashton & Mossley District will join with me in congratulating Peter Douthwaite, the Chairman of Ashton & Mossley District, on his recent appointment as a Past Officer of the United Grand Lodge of England. Peter was appointed to the...
Milton Lodge – The Dedication of a new Lodge Banner

Milton Lodge – The Dedication of a new Lodge Banner

The members of Milton Lodge together with the APGM and their new Banner, following the ceremony These days you are quite lucky if you see a Lodge Banner. A lot of these wonderful objects are now consigned to cases of glass or wood, or are effectively stored away in...