Apr 25, 2023 | RA General
Last week saw the installation meeting of Abbey Chapter 2529 at Whalley Masonic Hall. In the company of EComp Harvey Basger, Deputy Grand Superintendent, EComp Russell Harwood was installed as First Principal and EComp Eric Bond JP as Third Principal. Sadly EComp...
Mar 22, 2023 | Oldham, RA Eastern, RA General
On Thursday the annual meeting of Provincial Grand Chapter was held at St George’s Hall. At the meeting Most Excellent Grand Superintendent announced the appointment of EComp Robert Whitlow as the Oldham District Royal Arch Representative. Robert will continue...
Mar 16, 2023 | RA Eastern, RA General, RA Manchester, RA Northern, RA Salford, RA Southern, RA Western
The Royal Arch in East Lancashire Spring Newsletter 2023 with a Foreword, from the Deputy Grand Superintendent Please wait while flipbook is loading. For more related info, FAQs and issues please refer to DearFlip WordPress Flipbook Plugin Help documentation. Download...
Dec 19, 2022 | RA Eastern, RA General, RA Manchester, RA Northern, RA Salford, RA Southern, RA Western
The 12th of December saw a unique event in the Royal Arch Province of East Lancashire. The dedication of the new Chapter room at Salford Masonic Hall was an important moment for City West Royal Arch Chapters. When Epworth Chapter 9321 became Internet Chapter and...
Nov 14, 2022 | RA Eastern, RA General, RA Manchester, RA Northern
On Friday 28th October 2022, 23 Danish companions accompanied by their ladies arrived in Manchester. The Companions, many of whom are members of The Chapter of Friendship No 44, came to attend the 260th Convocation of that chapter. The event was held at Stanley House,...