The ELMC funds a Defibrillator for the MVS

The ELMC funds a Defibrillator for the MVS

Wednesday the 1st of November saw the Salford District Chairman, WBro Peter Hegarty, and WBro Stan Jackson, Salford District Charity Steward, present a defibrillator to the Maritime Volunteer Service at the Port of Manchester. They were accompanied by Millie McDonagh...
Preparations for September’s Open Days

Preparations for September’s Open Days

WBro’s Ian Whitehead and Syd Halliday, happy in their work. In preparation for the Tercentenary Open Days on the 9th and 10th of September, work has begun on the refurbishment of the main dining room (Rink Suite) at Hemsley House. Those involved in the work included...
Hosted Meeting at Arcturus Lodge, No.7252, Salford

Hosted Meeting at Arcturus Lodge, No.7252, Salford

On Monday the 8th May, Arcturus Lodge, No.7252, played host to the RW Provincial Grand Master, Sir David Trippier, RD, JP, DL, a Provincial Deputation, members of the District team and Masons from across the Province. They were all there to see the Education and...
Salford's Tercentenary Ball

Salford's Tercentenary Ball

Salford District had a Ball Saturday 6th May saw the Salford District lodges celebrate the Tercentenary of Freemasonry by hosting a Ball at Hemsley House, Salford for the brethren, non-masons and their ladies. The evening started with the reception at 6pm, with all...