250 Not Out

250 Not Out

On Thursday 11th April 2019 The Lodge of St John No.191 held an Olde English Nite, as part of their 250th year celebrations, and what a great night it was. The Lodge Tyled at 6.30pm and everyone present was treated to an excellent ceremony, which included opening and...
Cheque Presentation for Bredakwai Judo

Cheque Presentation for Bredakwai Judo

On 13th March 2019 a cheque was present for £250 to Bredakwai Judo Academy. This academy has been in existence for ten years and brings children and adults from all walk of life, in off the streets, to learn a sport which teaches respect and discipline. The academy...
Hewlett Court Refurbishment

Hewlett Court Refurbishment

After twelve months in the planning stage the refurbishment work at Hewlett Court finally started on Monday 25th February 2019. It is hoped that the work, which will include a small extension and refurbishment of all bedrooms including providing en-suite facilities,...
Food Bank Donations

Food Bank Donations

One of the most humbling experiences is seeing a church full of food parcels, knowing, that by weekend, all would have been distributed and faithfully received. Tameside Freemasons donated food and other necessities towards the parcels for people in need. Volunteers...
Provincial Dinner Dance

Provincial Dinner Dance

It has just been announced that there will be a Provincial Dinner Dance to be held at the University of Bolton Stadium, (formerly the Macron Stadium), on Saturday 29 June 2019. You can find out more HERE