Cheque for Parkinsons UK Bury Support Group

Cheque for Parkinsons UK Bury Support Group

At the Teddy Bears Picnic at Hewlett Court on Saturday July 1st, Bury District Charity Steward, Steve Holland, joined the Provincial Grand Master, Sir David Trippier, and Lady Ruth Trippier, in presenting a cheque to the Parkinsons UK Bury Support Group. The cheque...
Cheque Presentation to the Manchester Bomb Appeal

Cheque Presentation to the Manchester Bomb Appeal

Concord Lodge No 1534 A cheque presentation was made to Julie Ward and Karen Hall on behalf of the Manchester Bombing appeal by David Kitt, the Grandson of WBro Alan France, former Director of Ceremonies and now an honorary member of Concord Lodge. Over the past few...
Darley Lodge 6531 Old England Night

Darley Lodge 6531 Old England Night

Darley Lodge 6531 hosted an Old England charity night which was attended by Masons and non Masons. The Festive Board was enjoyed by everyone, although the black pudding and tripe caused concern for a few! Our Fines Master WBro Peter Barron took advantage of everyone...
Bury District Dinner and AGM

Bury District Dinner and AGM

Friday 5th May 2017 saw the District Dinner and Annual General Meeting of the Bury District, the AGM. This meeting should be re-named the ARGD, the Annual Rite Good Do as it really was and always is a Rite Good Do. A less formal sort of an evening without the need for...
Prince Edwin Lodge 128 is on the move

Prince Edwin Lodge 128 is on the move

Prince Edwin Lodge are to move to Radcliffe Masonic Hall as a ‘lunchtime’ lodge The first meeting there will be on Wednesday 14th February 2018 and will tyle at 11.00 am   Further meetings will be on 2nd Wednesday of April, October and December (Installation)...