Charity in Bury District

Charity in Bury District

In the last few weeks our Bury District Charity Steward, Steve Holland, has been hard at work presenting donations to the total value of some £8500 to three worthy recipients. Just under £5000 was presented to the Ashworth Valley Scout Camp on Wednesday 22nd March...
Kitchener Lodge 3788 Supports Bolton Hospice

Kitchener Lodge 3788 Supports Bolton Hospice

By holding raffle draws the Ladies Association of Kitchener Lodge 3788 have raised a magnificent sum of £350 in support of Bolton Hospice. Our picture shows Rita Bradbury, the partner of the Worshipful Master, John Whitfield, presenting the cheque to Stephanie...
Scottish Rite 3rd Degree Ceremony Demonstration

Scottish Rite 3rd Degree Ceremony Demonstration

In a rare event, Lodge of Dumfries Kilwinning 53 ventured south to wow the Brethren and visitors of Antiquity 146 to demonstrate, in their own stylish manner, the 3rd degree ceremony. To say it was brilliant is an understatement. With all the poise and skill of a...
ELMC Grant to Egerton County Primary School

ELMC Grant to Egerton County Primary School

As technology continues to advance with more and more sophisticated equipment available, especially to the younger generation, then it is perhaps inevitable that the latest electronic techniques should be available to the teaching staff in our schools. The staff at...
Kitchener 3788 Centenary Celebration

Kitchener 3788 Centenary Celebration

On Monday 13th March 2017, Kitchener Lodge 3788 celebrated their centenary. The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Sir David Trippier was in attendance along with a provincial delegation to support this wonderful milestone in the Lodge’s history. Formed...
Bury Blind Society Dinner

Bury Blind Society Dinner

Bury Blind Society has been in receipt of financial grants from the ELMC, as well as support from Bury District, so in return the Society invited local District Officers to attend their annual dinner. The guest speaker was Dr Janet Gray MBE. Janet began her career as...