Cheque Presentation for Ferrier Court

Cheque Presentation for Ferrier Court

On 15th March 2019 a donation was made by East Ribble Freemasons to The Ferrier Association based at Ferrier Court in Blackburn. The Ferrier Association is involved with independent living and the it runs social events for the residents and holds bingo nights, games...

Tameside Masons support local school

Tameside Masons support local school

A local parent and Freemason when collecting his child from school one evening overheard a conversation between the teachers concerning sportswear for the children and staff, when the children are not only representing the school but representing the area in national...

Iron Road Lodge hold a traditional Old English Night

Iron Road Lodge hold a traditional Old English Night

The master of the lodge assisted by its members held a traditional Old English social board after its last meeting. The difference being was that it was also a ‘white table’ event. The lodge members invited around 15 non masonic guests to sample part of the masonic...

Cheque Presentation for Bredakwai Judo

Cheque Presentation for Bredakwai Judo

On 13th March 2019 a cheque was present for £250 to Bredakwai Judo Academy. This academy has been in existence for ten years and brings children and adults from all walk of life, in off the streets, to learn a sport which teaches respect and discipline. The academy...

Lodge of Merit 934 Supports Children's Hospice

Lodge of Merit 934 Supports Children's Hospice

At the recent Installation Meeting of the Lodge of Merit 934 meeting at Bury Masonic Hall the new Worshipful Master, Alan Ikin, proposed that, in addition to a substantial  donation to the ELMC, a donation should be made to the new 'Forget Me Not' Children's Hospice....

Explaining Freemasonry

Explaining Freemasonry

  Three District officers, WBro Bob Allan, District Chairman, WBro Walter Coupe, Deputy District Chairman and the District Communications Officer, WBro John Wilkinson, took up an invitation to present an illustrated lecture entitled “Explaining Freemasonry” to a...

MCF donates £5000 to Leadership Through Sport & Business

MCF donates £5000 to Leadership Through Sport & Business

On behalf of the Masonic Charitable Foundation East Lancashire Provincial Grand Charity Steward Steve Clark was delighted to attend a "speed interview" session of Leadership Through Sport & Business involving a dozen young people and business professionals. The...

Minerva Lodge No 300 Celebrates its 225th Birthday

Minerva Lodge No 300 Celebrates its 225th Birthday

Among the roster of Lodges which meet in our Province we feature a number of excellent old Lodges that have been with us for a very long time. Sometimes those Lodges are still doing well, but in some cases they are perilously close to reaching the end of their...

ELMC Donates £500.00 to Mossley Community Association

ELMC Donates £500.00 to Mossley Community Association

From l to r, Chris Lynes, Lesley Bill, Stuart Tennant, Steve Stanley, Chris Frost, Maxine Kidd, Angie Taylor, She Ash & Joseph Dowthwaite. (All except Stuart and Steve being members of the Committee Stuart Tennant, District Charity Steward for Tameside Freemasons...

Lodge of Merit No 934 Installation Meeting 

Lodge of Merit No 934 Installation Meeting 

On Monday 11thMarch 2019 the Lodge of Merit, No 934 at Bury, held the Installation Ceremony of WBro Alan Ikin as Worshipful Master, and what a great night it was. The evening was made even more special by the fact that the Installing Master, Bro John Paul Fleming, was...

Lodge of Naphtali No.266

Lodge of Naphtali No.266

Personal 50th Celebration of WBro. Barrie Simkin PProvJGW It was a very special evening for the Lodge of Naphtali on Thursday 7th March as they celebrated the personal 50th Anniversary in Freemasonry of WBro. Barrie Simkin PProvJGW After opening in due form, the Lodge...