Double 50thCelebration at Commonweal Lodge No 5332

Double 50thCelebration at Commonweal Lodge No 5332

On 27 September 2018, Commonweal Lodge No 5332 held a joint 50thCelebration for WBro Brian Ward Taylor and WBro John Harrison Bacon at Manchester Hall. The lodge, having been opened by the Worshipful Master, was interrupted by a report and having been admitted, WBro...

East Ribble District Charity Variety Show

East Ribble District Charity Variety Show

On Friday evening 2nd November a near full house gathered at the Empire Theatre in Blackburn for the East Ribble District Charity Variety Show. The event, the brainchild of WBro David Lightbown who brought together the performers and organised the event. The evening...

Members’ Pathway Presentation

Members’ Pathway Presentation

On Wednesday 31st October the latest in a series of presentations held across the Province entitled Implementing the ‘Members’ Pathways’ took place at Mill House Masonic Hall in the East Ribble District. A large number of Lodge Membership Officers (LMO’s) and Mentors...

The First East Ribble District Workshop

The First East Ribble District Workshop

On the 29th October The Deputy District Chairman, WBro Russell Harwood formally launched the first District Workshop at Accrington Masonic Hall. This informal event gave the opportunity for both newer Brethren as well as well established Freemasons, to ‘have a go’ in...

Marshalling Accrington 10k Run

Marshalling Accrington 10k Run

On a brisk October Sunday morning. 16 East Ribble District Freemasons with some of their wives and 3 Blood Bikes assembled at 8.30am at the Walton Arms car park in Altham to receive  the marshalling briefing for Accrington 10k. It was the second year for the East...

East Ribble District's Latest White Table Event

East Ribble District's Latest White Table Event

On Thursday 25th October, 13 Non-Masons assembled with their Hosts and visiting Brethren at Accrington Masonic Hall for the latest East Ribble District White Table Event hosted this time by The Lodge of Remembrance No. 3787 The 60 in attendance were shown the...

ELMC Grant to High Crompton Park FC

ELMC Grant to High Crompton Park FC

On Saturday 20th October, the Rochdale District Charity Steward WBro Kenny Greer was delighted to present a cheque for £600.00 on behalf of the ELMC to Peter Shipton, the Chairman of High Crompton Park FC. Peter expressed his thanks on behalf of all those involved...

2nd Degree Demo/Explanation

2nd Degree Demo/Explanation

On Monday 22 October, two members of the East Lancs Education & Development Committee Events Team delivered a most interesting demonstration and explanation of the 2nd Degree, ably assisted by a “volunteer” candidate from the Host Lodge, Palatine 2447. Tony...

50 years at Stanley House

50 years at Stanley House

Parnassus Lodge 7869, based at Stanley House in Audenshaw celebrated 50 years of masonry moving in to this splendid Victorian building, which had previously been built as a private residence. It was then used during the Second World War as the bomb disposal squad...

Arkscroll Lodge No 6594 hosts White Table Evening

Arkscroll Lodge No 6594 hosts White Table Evening

On Thursday 4th October, after its regular meeting, Arkscroll Lodge hosted a White Table evening. After the lodge was closed, 39 non-masons were invited into the lodge room where they were warmly welcomed by the brethren. The WM, WBro Elliot Moss gave a short...