An unexpected Royal Connection

An unexpected Royal Connection

At the May meeting of The Lodge of Amity and Rossendale Forest No. 283 the main item of business was an Initiation ceremony. Not normally a newsworthy item in itself, but on this occasion Bro Stephen Holden had an interesting link to the Grand Master HRH The Duke of...

ELMC Grant Making Committee support local Scout Project

ELMC Grant Making Committee support local Scout Project

Following a District application, the ELMC Grant Making Committee has awarded £2151.00 to St Georges Scout Group, Blackburn. This will be for the purchase of a 16 x 10 ft Field Shelter, 2 x Water Butts, Garden Tool storage and 2 x composting toilets for the new Scout...

Summer Draw

Summer Draw

On Sunday 22nd May, over 60 people gathered at Accrington Masonic Hall for the annual Summer a Draw. This event, previously held at Mill House at the Summer BBQ, once again proved to be a popular occasion. The assembled were treat to one of Barbara's excellent buffets...

Boxing Clever for Fit2XL

Boxing Clever for Fit2XL

Fit2XL is an amateur boxing club, which is a completely volunteer run community project.  There are 150 members ranging in age from between 5 and 25 years old and located in Lower Darwen. The club has been self funding for the past 9 years, and are constantly working...

Pulling Pints for Blackburn Youth Zone

Pulling Pints for Blackburn Youth Zone

On Sunday afternoon May 1st, a small band of merry men from a number of lodges across the district, assembled at Blackburn Rugby Club to assist running the bar at the annual Blackburn Beer Festival. However this was all for a good cause, as the hardy group of bar...

Raiders Bowled Over

Raiders Bowled Over

WBro Ian Johnson presents the cheque to Farouk Hussain Chairman of Ribble Valley Raiders Parental permission granted for the image Following a request from Bro Digman, the Worshipful Master of Unity & Friendship Lodge No. 8178 The Charity Stewards donated £250 to...

C’me E’re There’s More

C’me E’re There’s More

On Monday evening the 25th April, the Thwaites Empire Theatre in Blackburn held a very special event as part of restoration fortnight, in which the theatre is hoping to raise much needed funds for urgent roof repairs. The Empire hosted the legendary comedian Jimmy...

The Ribblesdale Lodge No. 3393 story comes to an end

The Ribblesdale Lodge No. 3393 story comes to an end

The Worshipful Master WBro Paul Taylor and Brethren of Ribblesdale Lodge No.3393 reluctantly surrendered their warrant to the Assistant Provincial Grand Master WBro John Farrington PSGD on Friday the 8th of April. WBro Keith Simm PProvDepGSuptWks gave an oration on...

Huncoat Lodge No. 8542 Final Meeting

Huncoat Lodge No. 8542 Final Meeting

The closure of a lodge is a very somber and sad occasion, but it also gives the Brethren the opportunity to celebrate the life of the Lodge and this was very much the sentiment when over 50 gathered at Mill House Masonic Hall on the 6th April to mark the final meeting...

Charity Variety Show Presentations

Charity Variety Show Presentations

Mandy Stableford receiving a cheque from WBro Mike Stubbs, District Charity Steward and WBro Ian Johnson Assistant Charity Steward. Following the highly successful Charity Variety Show help at the Thwaites Empire Theatre in Blackburn on 1st April, two cheque...

Charity Variety Show

Charity Variety Show

On Friday the 1st April a full house witnessed a variety spectacular at the Thwaites Empire Theatre in Blackburn. The event, the brainchild of our District Chairman, WBro David Lightbown PAGDC, supported by the District Charity Steward’s team was a huge success and...

Personal 50th of WBro Robert James Pye PProvDepGSwdB

Personal 50th of WBro Robert James Pye PProvDepGSwdB

On Thursday 31st March, 40 brethren gathered at Mill House Masonic Hall in Clayton-le-Moors to celebrate WBro Robert Pye’s 50th anniversary in Freemasonry and of his membership of the Albert Edward Lodge No. 1519. Following the opening of the lodge and the usual...