The East Lancs Royal Arch Presentation Team
Back Row (L to R) EComps Graham Rawlinson, Kevin Hall, John Cavanagh, Chris Cunliffe, Andrew Sinclair.
Front Row EComps Denny Stevens, Keith Swettenham, Terence Bailey, Wayne Kilford & Michael Williams
Ten members of the East Lancashire Royal Arch Presentation Team visited the Marquis of Lorne Chapter No 1354 in the Province of West Lancashire on Tuesday 27th November, 2012. The purpose of the visit was to deliver the “Rise and Fall of the Twelve Tribes of Israel” presentation to the Chapter. However, another reason for the visit was to act as ambassadors of the Royal Arch to the six Master Masons who were present, one of the most important reasons for the existence of the Presentation Team.

The Chapter Principals, EComps Barry Northcott, Chad Northcott and Leonard Green
On this occasion, visiting another Province, the team were accompanied by EComp David Thompson, who is the Second Provincial Grand Principal for East Lancashire. The team were greeted by EComp George Daniel Jones PGStB, an Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals in West Lancashire, as well as EComp Malcolm Parr PGStB who is the Chairman of the Leigh Group in West Lancashire.
The Chapter was opened in superb form by the First Principal, EComp Chad Northcott, another Mason who is very well known in “another place”. He was ably assisted by his Co-Principals Barry Northcott, his father, as H and Leonard Green as J. The Chapter Meeting itself was fairly brief, being restricted to regular business, and was then closed in proper form. At that point the doors were thrown open and the six Master Masons were invited in.
The ten members of the ELRA Presentation Team are well practised and well rehearsed and their performance on this occasion was certainly up to the standard that we have come to expect from them. It is unfair to single out any member of such an ensemble cast, and I have no intention of being unfair! With the performance concluded, EComp Chad Northcott and EComp Danny Jones both said some very flattering things about the performance, and the performers were introduced to the gathering.

From the Left: EComps David H Thompson PGStB, Second Provincial Grand Principal in East Lancashire,
George Daniel Jones PGStB, APGP in West Lancashire, Barry Northcott, H,
EComp Chad Northcott PPrGSwdB (EL), Z, Leonard Green, J, Malcolm Parr PGStB, Group Chairman
At the Social Board, the First Principal presented EComp John Cavanagh with a cheque which will be added to the Team’s Charitable Funds which are disbursed through the Chapter of Friendship No 44 which is the home Chapter of the Presentation Team. One member of the Chapter said, “It was the best night we have had in the Chapter for a long time.” EComp David Thompson has since written about the evening, saying, “You all contributed to a very successful and enjoyable meeting which was so well appreciated by all present. I am sure you have left a legacy of a better understanding of the Royal Arch which can only be made by a presentation such as the one you all provided last night.” Let us hope that the work done on this occasion will lead to even a small increase in the number of Royal Arch Masons and a little better understanding of what we do.