In December 2020, Bro Scott Miller approached the District with an idea for helping the homeless in our District over the Winter period. As the District had been helping the Foodbanks during the pandemic, it was decided that this would be a great addition to this fundraising appeal.
Bro Miller came up with the idea of supplying tents for the homeless to be able to protect them from the elements and provide warmth and shelter. The District immediately set up an appeal and within a short period of time almost £ 1,000 had been raised by Lodges and individuals.
The monies raised help us purchase 35 one-man tents which were distributed to Community Spirt and Nightsafe, local charities whose aim is alleviating the plight of homeless and vulnerably house young people. These tents will keep the homeless dry and somewhat safe and were grateful received by the charities.
Sleeping bags are also being handed out to the homeless from these monies raised and any funds left once these have been purchased will be used by any other homeless charities who come to us for support.
A big thank you to all who contributed to the appeal. You have made a real difference on the streets of our District this Winter.

Article and Images: East Ribble District Team