On the evening of the 28th November 50 Brethren and 9 non-masonic visitors including our Assistant Provincial Grand Master WBro Kirwilliam met at the Lodge of Perseverance No.345 in Blackburn for the latest of the East Ribble District’s White Table events.
The guests were held downstairs for an introduction by Deputy District Chairman WBro Russell Harwood who was assisted by Bro Will Atkinson, Bro Scott Miller and WBro Steve Crowther, whilst the Lodge was opened and the usual business concluded. The entourage then moved to the Tyler’s room where the explanation of what Freemasons do to ready themselves for the meeting was given, as was the explanation and historic significance of the Tyler’s book.
The guests were then admitted to the lodge, whereupon they were welcomed by the Worshipful Master WBro Malcolm Roe before Steve Crowther delivered his illuminating talk linking ancient Freemasonry with modern day life. He concluded his presentation with an explanation of the various regalia worn in the Lodge by using a number of brethren dressed appropriately, including WBro Brian Carter in United Grand Lodge dress regalia. Steve completed this talk with his now infamous ‘true’ story of how the Steward got his red apron!
The guests then retired to an adjacent room for a question and answer session which was enthusiastically received with relevant and searching questions. A full Masonic Festive Board took place at which everyone enjoyed a buffet supper and great fraternity. WBro Kirwilliam’s response included thanks to the guests and the Lodge for hosting the event. He continued to say that Freemasonry means different things to different people and that personal development is one of the most important things that affects all Freemasons. This was another joyful evening which gave a group of non-Masons the chance to see what happens on a full Masonic evening and we hope to attend some of their Initiations in the future.
Article and Image: East Ribble District Team