The ELRAD Team shown with the Deputy Grand Superintendent, the Second and
Third Provincial Grand Principals and the Principals of Egerton Chapter
On Wednesday, 4th December 2013, the East Lancashire Royal Arch Presentation Team performed the Ceremony of the Veils at Egerton Chapter No 1030, for the last time in the foreseeable future. It has been decided that this piece of work will be mothballed for the immediate future, before a decision is made about its further use. However, if this was the final occasion on which they perform this piece of ritual, then it could not have been done at a better time, or in a better place.
Egerton is a small Chapter, with perhaps nine active members, yet they are far from being defeated. This was their “Centenary Celebration” and they were determined that it should be a good one. The Presentation Team were invited because EComp Tony Freemont, the First Principal of Egerton, is an active member of both the Presentation Team and of the Chapter of Friendship No 44 which is the spiritual mother chapter of the team. Nevertheless, the Ceremony of the Veils was only to be one component in a wonderful meeting.

The members of Egerton Chapter together with the Deputy Grand Superintendent and the Second and Third Provincial Grand Principals
The Chapter was opened in due form by the Three Principals, then the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, EComp Henri Lyons PGStB, was admitted to announce the presence of the Deputy Grand Superintendant, EComp William Porter PGSwdB, and Demand that he be admitted, which was done with alacrity. He was accompanied by the Second, and Third Provincial Grand Principals, EComps David Thompson and the Rev Donald Pryce, both PGStBs, together with EComp Norman Clark PGStB, the APGP for the Southern Area.
Then the fun really began. First of all there was a presentation of the History of Egerton Chapter, written and delivered by EComp Paul Bowler PPrGSoj, the Third Principal of the Chapter. Then there was the great pleasure of listening to an Oration given by EComp Donald Pryce, the Third Provincial Grand Principal and finally the ELRADT performed a presentation of the Ceremony of the Veils. (You can read more about this particular piece of ritual by looking here

EComp Ian Mason PProvGSN
Then, to top off this excellent meeting, EComp Ian Mason PProvGReg, was called forward by the Deputy Grand Superintendent, and promoted on the spot to the rank of PProvGSN. The applause that this action received was a sure sign that everyone who was present saw this as being not only well deserved, but as reflecting praise on the Chapter in general.
At the Social Board, EComp Porter commented on the work done in the Chapter Room and commented that he was grateful to the Presentation Team for coming along. He said, “To put all three pieces of work together, the History, the Oration and the Presentation was unbelievably good.”
On this occasion, the members of the East Lancashire Royal Arch Presentation Team who took part in the ceremony, and who are shown in the photograph at the head of this article, are as follows: Front Row L to R: EComps John Cavanagh (Team Leader & Narrator), Terry Bailey (Candidate), Back Row L to R: EComps Mike Williams (Deputy Team Leader and Principal Sojourner), Leslie Taylor (1st Asst. Sojourner), Greg Casson (H), Russell Pike (Z), Kevin Hall (J), Dennis Heskett (2nd Asst Sojourner) and Denny Stevens (Scribe N).

All of the photographs taken at this event can be found in a Web Gallery by following this link
You can look at all of the photographs and download any that you would like to keep or share.