Author: Richard Zoltie
100 guests arrived at the refurbished and remodelled Manchester Hall for the Entertainment Evening arranged by the Manchester Masons on a dry but cold Thursday evening the 9th November.
The Goulburn Suite saw the men and women gather for drinks before joining their friends at tables in the dining room where Gary Gee serenaded them with some classic songs before and during dinner.
The purpose of the evening was to provide a social event for the brethren of Manchester Lodges, their wives and partners and non-masonic guests as well as to raise funds for charity. In particular, the Broken Column Dinner in the Spring will benefit from the funds raised. The evening was a great success on both fronts.
In the presence of the APGM, Christopher Welton, Steve Royle and Tony Jo provided comedy and fun for everyone. The Heads and Tails Bingo, Raffle and Auction swelled the coffers of the Manchester Masons account, raising about £2,500.
It was pleasing to see a broad cross section of guests and seeing younger members and their wives and partners supporting the event and enjoying themselves.