Last night brethren from far and wide enjoyed a night of excellent Freemasonry in Manchester as a team of young Masons from the Manchester Level Club put on a first-class demonstration at a meeting hosted by Felicity Lodge 4365.
When the Lodge was open, WBro Mark Davis, APGM for the Manchester Area, accompanied by a District deputation, was admitted. The lodge was then called off and the MLC took over.
All present witnessed some excellent ritual delivered by members of the MLC where they completed work in the first degree. The “candidate” chosen by the MLC was none other than WBro Roy Chapman, the Sykes District Mentor – he played the perfect candidate!
After elements of the 1st Degree Ceremony were completed, the whole room was treated to lectures from the 1st degree Tracing Board delivered by junior brethren from the Lodge of Friendship number 44.
Finally, the 1st Degree Charge after Initiation was expertly delivered by a young brother who was visiting from London.

After the demonstration the Lodge was called back on and the WM of Felicity gave well deserved thanks to WBro Philip Titterton from Lodge of Friendship 44 who had tirelessly spent his time teaching the younger brethren and arranging the demonstration.
It was then time for the social board. However, tonight was to be an Olde English Night, where fines are administered for various “offenses” by the fines master – WBro Shaun Higson, Felicity Lodge’s Director of Ceremonies, who carried out this duty in a firm but fair manner.
WBro Dennis Schiff, the Manchester Area TLC coordinator, also had a great night, managing to “Schifft” a lot of teddies to the brethren, in the vain hope of buying immunity from the fines master. He was cleaned out of teddy bears, making a record-breaking £310 for the TLC charity. Great Work Dennis!
There was the usual raffle which made another fantastic amount for charity. It was estimated that Felicity Lodge had raised well over £500 for charity during the evening, which is a fantastic amount.
All-in-all, this was a superb evening of Freemasonry, one which anybody would have been pleased and proud to attend.
If you are interested in Freemasonry especially in Manchester then please get in touch and come and join us!