Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
St. Aidan’s Church, Sudden, Rochdale
At 3.00pm on 11th December a large contingent of Rochdale Freemasons and their families attended their annual festival of Nine Lessons and Carols at St Aidan’s Church Sudden. The occasion was supported by the well known soprano singer Freda Farnworth together with members of St Aidan’s church choir.
Tea/coffee and mince pies were served after the service in the Church Hall .

WBro Ken Davies MBE, Prov Grand Charity Steward, and WBro Bernard Percy Treasurer, Rochdale Masonic Social Committee, took the opportunity of presenting a cheque for £500 to the Rev Mike Read. This was the proceeds of the recent ‘Last Night Of The Proms’ concert held at St Aidan’s