Our APGM, WBro John Pearson in fine voice at the Carol Service
On Sunday 4th December the Freemasons of East Lancashire’s Southern Area again enjoyed the privilege of holding our Annual Carol Service at St. Peter’s Church Ashton-under-Lyne. It was a wonderful Service, conducted by Reverend Roger Farnworth, during which we and our families sang our favourite Carols and heard Lessons read by Brethren from Audenshaw, Ashton and Mossley. We were also treated to hear two Christmas songs and the Carol “O Holy Night” beautifully sung by Soloist Mr Peter Lee.
Every year we all look forward to this Service heralding Advent, being thankful for all the good things we are able to enjoy but whilst always remembering those who are much less fortunate than ourselves.
We pray for peace, goodwill and unity both in the world and in our own community and hold in our thoughts and prayers particularly the poor and helpless, the hungry and the oppressed, the sick and those who mourn. We think of the people, old and young, who we hear every day are lonely and feel unloved.

We Freemasons are very lucky as we need never feel alone. We gather together on a regular basis both in our Lodges and Fellowships. If you know of anybody, whether with or without any connection with Freemasonry, who may be feeling lonely, our Fellowships will be pleased to hear from you. We care for and look after each other and our neighbours, especially when our friends and members of our families are unwell or bereaved. We also do so much charitable work, locally, nationally and internationally. Our Masonic Charitable Foundation will give away almost 20 million pounds every year and that is in addition to the money we donate locally in East Lancashire.
As part of our local celebrations in 2017 of 300 years since the foundation of the first Grand Lodge we will again hold our Annual Charity Giving Night on Friday 31st March 2017 at Stanley House, Audenshaw. This year we are delighted that not only the Civic Mayor of Tameside will be present but also our Provincial Grand Master Sir David Trippier. I have never been so proud to represent Southern Area as I was at our Charity Giving Night last year when we heard from 40 local beneficiaries of their causes and how our donations would be so helpful to them.
I hope to see you then and in the meantime I thank you for your friendship and support and extend to you and your families my best wishes for a very happy Christmas and for Peace, good health and prosperity in the New Year.
John Pearson
Assistant Provincial Grand Master
5th December 2016